Do you prefer watching hentai anime or do you like hentai manga more? Please cast your vote!
Do you prefer watching hentai anime or do you like hentai manga more? Please cast your vote!
I actually LOVE both, because they both have what I'm looking for in case some of them aren't in the Manga or if some of them aren't in the Anime, so both are awesome!
I prefer hentai anime. I need my visual stimulation lol. It's easier for me to get into hentai with moving images and sound.
Hentai Manga, has a lot more variety and theres so much of it to chose from.
Hentai anime x), manga is not that stimulating
I like them both but there seems to be more Hentai Manga available on the internet in my option!
Lol, ikr?
I prefer hentai anime, lazy ass people are just lazy to make a decent hentai of an anime
I've always preferred motion, whether it be cartoon or real porn, so anime it is.
I prefer anime version, just like i prefer anime over manga, because id'e rather watch and listen and not read, although i like manga versions anime is better to me.
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