What games are you currently playing?
Civilization V
Ever since Brave New World came out I have been hooked on Civilization V. I love turn based strategy games and this expansian fixes almost all problems the base game had. Don't get me wrong, even without expansions Civ5 is an excellent game. It's one of those games where you can sink dozens of hours into it without even realizing it because time just flies by. 5/5
Dota 2
Speaking of time sinks another game I'm currently playing is Dota 2. It's a MOBA style game (like League of Legends) in which you pick a character out of a pool of about 100. Each hero as they are called has unique abilities and roles to play in your team of 5 (real players). Together you take on the 5 enemy heroes and try to take down their base. Thats a simple summary for a pretty complex game. It's tons of fun and highly addictive. The community can be problematic at times but other than that I recommend it to anyone who likes multiplayer games. 4/5